Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Edinburgh, Scotland (Part 1)

The "Original Hogwarts" - the castle like structure in the background was the inspiration for Hogwarts... it's some elite private school in Scotland that I can't remember the name of...

Greyfriar's Cemetary - rumor has it that there's a tombstone with Voldemort written on it... *dum dum dum*

Where J.K Rowling wrote most of "The Sorcerer's Stone"

Holyrood Palace - where the Queen spends 4 months of the year...

Scottish Parliament - is that not the coolest Parliament building ever???

The monstrosity we had to climb in order to get to Arthur's Seat =)

That's what's at the top - Arthur's Seat!!!

Taking a break on the way down from Arthur's Seat

Edinburgh Castle: B-E-A-UUUTIFUL!!! Inside AND out...

Inside the Great Hall in the Castle

Sandy Bell's: live Scottish/Irish Folk Music

For Uncle Doyle: bangers & mash!!! =)

Dates: Left late Friday Evening - Returned early Wednesday Morning (Feb 8/Feb 13)

Ediburgh is exquisite. Its one of those places that's definitely a city but small enough that you could become familiar with it all. I loved loved loved it!!! Not to mention that it was a major source of inspiration for Harry Potter!!! =)

This post only has Edinburgh's main attractions: Edinburgh Castle and Arthur's Seat, both of which are freakin A-M-A-ZING!!! Too tired to continue... more to come... =)


Mick said...

Ah, yes. Scotland. Partially my homeland.

choe890 said...

das siiiiiiiiiick. :D miss u lots hannah unni! glad to hear ur doin well ... -ash