Delicious desserts (aka pudding) with Chapel Girls. I brought cheesecake but didn't realize it had to be defrosted for 2-3 hours, so it is not shown =)
Before the Ball - Ramsey 4th Floor NY
AMAZING view from the Number One Club (that's actually what it's called)
Faith and Me - my token Korean friend =)
Rose with the Chocolate Fountain!!!! See those near empty bowls around it???Compliments of Rose and Me!!!
Resting because our feet kill... =)
Monday: The Westminister Chapel Ladies Night is a lot like Koinonia feminar without the testimony. Awesome food and even more awesome fellowship. =) It was nice because it sort of gave me a chance to get to know some people better. Though I have to admit that it was kinda hard because for some weird reason I don't talk in front of them!
Tuesday: I actually left my camera at ladies night so I don't have pictures of England's National Pancake Day!!! Apparently they have NPD because traditionally for lent you're not suppose to eat any flour, eggs, or milk, so what better way to get rid of all of it than to make pancakes?! I really really really wish I had my camera because I was invited to the Christian Union (club) house party where we made hundreds (literally!) of crepes and had a gazillion toppings and fillings!!! Needless to say, the combination of the desserts the night before and the 30 crepes I ate that day left me feeling kinda ill.... but wow, it was SOOO good!!!! =)
Wednesday: Ramsey (my dorm) Valentine's Ball!!! They rented out the top two floors of THE MOST AMAZING club EVER. The view was INCREDIBLE because it overlooks Leicester Square and the London Eye and I think I spent half my time at the floor to ceiling windows admiring the view! The other half was probably at the amazing chocolate fountain which had creme puffs to dip! =) Nearly everyone on my floor got dressed up and went so it was loads of fun to be with people I like!
Today and Tomorrow: GAHHH!!! I HAVE PAPERS TO WRITE!!!! Crunch time. I need to do some massive quantities of research and writing... boo! This really puts a damper on my 5 month vacation theory =)
Question: Who's pacers??? And, are you guys doing anything for lent???
Hannah =)
no idea! and i prolly should!
your dress looks b-e-a-uuutiful. =)
i will find out about turkey. they just let us know about the trip yesterday so hopefully i'll get some more info in the next week or so.
i was actually rebuked by a friend for talking about my lenten fast. matthew 6 and all that.
Oh my niece! You look like you are having so much fun! Where did you get that great dress?
hannah is a hottie.
i asked a not so official person if friends could come along for the turkey trip, and she gave an unofficialized 'there wouldn't be a problem with that' !!!!
hahahah just to update.
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