Friday, January 18, 2008

Zimbabwean Night Out

4th Floor New York...

Reading the newspaper on the Tube like a true Brit...

The Zimbabwean Band - AMAZING!!!!

Las chicas + Ben

4th floor New York went out to celebrate someone's birthday at a Zimbabwean themed pub. The website said it was Zimbabwean "trance" music but not so! Or it least it wasn't trance-like. They had this crazy percussion thing going on and even though I couldn't understand the lyrics, it sounded crazy cool! =)

On a entirely separate note, I just found out I know someone who made it to Hollywood on American Idol!!! Isn't that INSANE?!

Kyle on Idol
- click to see! =)

Here's a little plug for Kyle. He is GENUINELY THAT sincere and funny. Within 10 mins of meeting him for the first time, he started singing (loudly, I might add) the Oklahoma state song WITH the hand motions! Wishing him the best!!! =)

X's and O's,

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