Saturday, January 19, 2008

BTR + Gelato + Covent Garden

BTR- Be The Reds.... I thought that was quite funny! =)

yummm..... tiramisu + black current =)

juliet really loves her gelato...

covent garden - cute little assistant girl =)

covent garden - tricks with a ladder...

covent garden - walking the not-so-tight rope and juggling knives

Covent Garden is BEAUTIFUL. It's an outdoor upscale market place with tons of art galleries and specialty shops (e.g: kaleidoscopes, hand painted ties, etc). They also have street performances (as pictured above) and debates and theatre in the center of the market. Its fun because they really try to get the audience involved.

Not pictured. I met up with the Korean society at UCL yesterday and found it really... interesting? Hahaha... no, it was fun. The KSA here has WAY MORE school pride than at Case (Someone randomly yells "UCL FIGHTING!!!" at least once every 15 mins) and most of them are fully bilingual. We watched a movie type thing and then went to this internet cafe/restaurant called BTR (Be the Reds...haha).

I'm on an updating roll! Lets see how long I can keep it up!

Much love <3,

P.S. Contact information...
Mailing Address:
Hannah Cha
Ramsey Hall
20 Maple Street

Dial... 011-44-750-463-5798

Skype Name:


choe890 said...

wOw jus realized u update like evryday..or evry OTHR day. :D glad ur havin there. didnt start studyin yet. ... -_-;; buut, cant wait to c u in june!! miss u lots hannah unni! -ash

Mick said...

wow. that's a tough reference. south korean soccer. wouldn't have gotten that one without wikipedia.

Unknown said...

it seems like you're doing well. keep us updated, cha123. and yes, be the reds! :)

crazieazn013 said...

yay!! i'm finally caught up in your London experience.


it sounds like you're having fun now. and doode, no worries about school. hehe, it'll figure itself out =P

miss you lots. definitely weird in the suite without you and joyce.

love you, stay healthy, have fun ^_^