Entrance to the Victoria & Albert Museum

Mural thing made completely out of nails - the photo doesn't do the real thing justice

Olu Amoda - Artist of the above work. This is how he explains his decision to use nails... I especially liked the second half.

You can't tell from the picture but inside each of the clear pieces were these white floating bits that look like clouds. It's amazing though, it REALLY made you feel like you were looking at clouds on a clear day....

Annie Cattrell - Artist to the above work (lady in the red)

Random beautiful light fixture in the foyer of the museum.

Super serene and gorgeous pond/garden at the center of the V&A

RENT!!! 525,600 minutes.... =)

Me and Emilie on the way back from Rent...

Random sign preparing for Valentines...
Of the 4 museums I've been to so far, Victoria & Albert has been my favorite. The building itself is simply breathtaking, not to mention its contents. It shows SO MUCH stuff ranging in everything from time, culture, genre, etc. I also really just liked that the atmosphere is a lot more relaxed at V&A than the other museums. Its not as pin-drop silent, people can take pictures, but it still maintains the museum reverie that I love. We'll see if the Tate Modern compares!
I've seen Rent the movie and listened the the soundtrack a bagillion times but WOW, the musical was great! Emilie and I sang bits and pieces the entire tube ride back =).
Hannah =)