Monday, May 19, 2008

Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: April 21-22

Joyce and Me next to our hostel that was a BOAT!!! =) and yes, our bags were monstrous and heavy!

Inside our hostel on our beds... not gonna lie, it was pretty sweet! =)

The beautiful view from the patio of the Modern Art Museum/Architect Museum...

Me and Joyce with the cherry blossoms (???) that lined both sides of the street... SOOOOO pretty!

The cute old men playing jumbo chess... I've decided I need to do this sometime! =)

The two of us on the Ballerina boat around Stockholm. It didn't quite take us all the way out to the archipelago but there were still incredible views EVERY where!

Stockholm is AMAZING!!! To be honest, the only reason we went was because there weren't any direct flights from Amsterdam to Paris but it turned out to be incredible! Everything about this city is breathtaking, the buildings, the people, the architecture... Plus, we were apparently there on the nicest day its been all year which is always a good thing. =)

I've always heard the Nordic countries are nice places to live and I totally agree, except that it also means being subject to crazy taxes/prices. One day, when I can afford exploring for over a day, I definitely want to go back...


Doyle and Mia Plus One said...

OMG! Joyce's bag is as big as she is! It looks like you guys had a great time! Everyone tells me that I'm living vicariously through my niece - how true that is! I miss you! And BTW, great pics! Can't wait to see all of them when you get home!

Damien said...

Hey Hannah! Your trip looks like you are having a really good time. They look even better considering I have to go to work everyday. :( Take care and keep away from the Red Light District!!!

Doyle and Mia Plus One said...

Oh, I forgot, after examining the pictures closely, I think I need to have those cool silver square/circle earrings. : - )

Laura in Kazakhstan said...

AH I want to stay in a hostel on a boat! :)