On the way, we witnessed a protest against the Scientology center around my school. Notice the V for Vendetta masks?
The Chapel inside the Tower of London... the light shining through made it really pretty, especially since it was a dreary day.
Juliet and Me in one of the prisoner towers... =)
In front of one of the prettiest cannons I've ever seen... not that I've seen that many...
Juliet pointing at the ravens (in the black cage). Legend has it that if there are any less than 6 ravens kept in the Tower of London, the fortress and monarchy will fall. Its actually a royal decree to have 7 ravens at all times.
White Tower (foreground: holds the Royal Armouries collection) and Waterloo Block (background: home to the Crown Jewels)
Sorry there isn't an actual picture of the entire fortress but the thing is simply too big! The fortress is made of up over twenty towers in addition to several mounts, memorials, and other sites. My entire day flew by exploring everything. Its actually a bit creepy to walk around the towers people were held prisoners in and reading their etchings into the walls. Not to mention seeing replications of the torture devices they used on people. Its quite amazing to see this historic place so well preserved and in the midst contemporary London. I think that's actually one of my favorite things about being here, seeing the juxtaposition (haha... SAT word) of history and modern culture everywhere.
School is OVER in less than a week.... crazy.
Extra... GIFT
Remember this???
..that is kinda creepy. :P
ahh spring break starts nxt fri.!! finaly! how u been hannah unni? i miss you lots!
words cannot express my anticipation. =)
the scientology protests are kind of a big deal on the internets. if there were a major one in cleveland, i'd probably go to it.
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