Sunday, February 24, 2008

Changing of the Guards + Delish Dinner

The amazingly beautiful tree I walk under to get to my room every day... ignore the random hanging piece of toilet paper =)

Changing of the Guards: band

Changing of the Guard: guards...

Seriously dude, is that massive gun necessary???

Dinner at Joy's: beef curry, cashew chicken, string beans and corn.... all homemade!!! =)

This weekend:
Friday: This girl I randomly met at a pancake thing invited me to OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship) so I went there. It was kinda like Koinonia because most everyone was Asian but clearly not as cool! =) I had like a gagillion cookies here...
Saturday: Changing of the Guard in the morning, Spitalfield Market in the afternoon. Except that the market was closed so... I ate a nice lunch and had the most amazing chocolate at this place called Montezuma (supposedly Britain's Best chocolate). At night I went to Joy's apartment (a girl from LSE I semi-randomly met) for home cooked food. SOO GOOD!!!! It was really nice to get in some quality girl time =)
Sunday: Church, lunch, tea, nap, AMAZING thai food and pubbing with friends visiting from Scotland.

Sorry I wrote out all my activities but it was kind of to remind me what I've been doing and enlighten all you curious peoples =). I'm starving right now but I have no food.... =(

Miss you all!!! Hope KSA night was great!!!!
Me =)


Joyce Oh said...

i have a term for that: involuntary starvation. i truly think it's one of the saddest feelings.

Mick said...

weird. i feel like each entry (entrée?) here is about food. =)

choe890 said...

I'LL SAVE U HANNAH UNNI. i'll send ovr sum pb and j and bread. :D
i wuld send sum of halmoni's amazin cookin phood .. but either 1) i'll eat it or 2) it'll be spoiled :(
miss u lots hannah unni!