Bronwyn Doss - FUNNIEST little girl EVER!! =) Its soo cute to listen to her speak with her English accent.

Clare Doss - I've never met a 6 year old as eager to meet new people as Clare... Clare's accent is funky because its English with an American twang.

Cambridge Town

Eagle Pub - where Watson and Crick FIRST announced their discovery of DNA. I was gonna take a picture of the plaque but it required me to lean over these people eating their lunch... awkward!

Eagle Pub ceiling - WWII bombers would sign the ceiling with candle wax and stick a 2 pence coin into the fireplace before going out. If they survived (the odds were highly against them) they'd come back to Eagle Pub and take their 2 pence back and buy a drink. If they died, the coin would be bent down and still remains there as a memorial...

Patty, Jim, Clare, in front of a Cambridge University garden

Clare College at Cambridge

Kings College at Cambridge

Punting in Cambridge

Doss Family and Me at Cambridge
I had the awesome opportunity of visiting Cambridge for the weekend and spend time with some family friends. Home cooked food, a day in Cambridge, decent water pressured showers, what more could a girl ask?? =) I also watched the Chronicles of Narnia, which I HIGHLY recommend.
I did have a few WEIRD experienced on the bus there and back though. On the way there, within SECONDS of moving we got into an accident. My driver drove straight into a stationary bus!!! Everyone was fine but the other bus was pretty screwed up. The strange thing was, my driver crashes into this bus then turns around to look at us and just shrugs and says "oops". Bizarre...didn't exactly instill a whole lot of faith in my driver =) On the way back, I leaned my chair back and was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden the woman behind me kicks the back of my seat and angrily says "SIT UP!". I was so shocked I did as I was told but when I looked around EVERYONE was leaned back and sleeping AND the woman had an open seat next to her which she could have sat in instead. I had this urge to turn around and say something or just lean back in spite of her request/command but I suppressed it...
Ok that was my attempt at adding anecdotal stuff to my blog because all I do is post pictures... =)
Koinonians, HOW WAS RETREAT?!?!?
Hannah =)