Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ahh... Lecture-less Wednesdays =)

Chalk Drawing in Trafalgar Square...

I got a pet - Leo the Lion. =) I couldn't get ON it because it was slippery. Next time...

Quote on Westminster Abbey

In front of Westminster Abbey...

Westminster Abbey in all its glory...

A tribute to my KU girls... =)

Me & Heather in front of the London Eye/Aquarium/Thames

THAT is Big Ben... =P

Juliet, Me, and Ben

Harrods - the second building on the right

My first attempt at an artsy fartsy shot

My second attempt at artsy fartsy-ness

Today I got to go Holy Trinity Brompton's Alpha Course, shop at Harrods (more precisely, gawk at the RIDICULOUS price tags!), walk around Trafalgar Square, admire the new photo exhibit (as well as other things) at the National Portrait Gallery, go to the National Gallery, and attend mid-week at Westminster Chapel. In short, I LOVE not having lecture on Wednesday.

My feet hurt. A lot.
Me =)

P.S. You know how I update a lot? It's partly because it only seems fair given how much I want to know what's going on back home too! So PLEASE peoples, update me on your lives!!! =)


MiSURA said...

love the pictures !
i like the artsy shots. ^ ^

Unknown said...

hannah! i'm seriously living vicariously through all your adventures! glad you're having such a great time! be safe! i can't tell what the weather's like there...but its CRAZY cold in the midwest yo...looking forward to more pictures and stories! take care of yourself!!! :-) erin

Joyce Oh said...

hahahah ben!
can you catch more of your skyline drawing from the K. boys?