THE Colosseum...

@ the Palatine... so Joyce and I didn't know anything about the place other than that its the largest plot of preserved Roman ruins and that Augusto had something to do with it. Being the people that we are, we walked around making up really ridiculous stories about what the ruins meant... I won't go into greater detail but let's just say that the main character's name was Gusto and there was a lot of giggling involved =)

Joyce eating the world's largest donut... well, maybe not, but its bigger than her face!!! =P

Me with gelato... man, I ate A LOT of gelato in Italy. My first day I had two cones this size only a few hours apart from one another and had a really weird sugar high... but do you notice the mini cone? It helps you scoop the massiveness! genius! =)

Inside the Vatican Museum. The Sistine chapel (which you can't take pictures of) is amazing for sure but the rest of the building is pretty darn sweet too! It's all frescoed which that means they'd have to paint everything before the fresco dried which is insanity because you're hanging from the ceiling and you gotta get all the perspectives and stuff right because its the ceiling AND its curved!!!

Last but not least, we saw the POPE!!! We were just walking around Saint Peter's Basilica when we saw this massive crowd and BAM! There was the Pope! Cool and all but it really wasn't that interesting when you don't speak a hint of italian...
So I'm too lazy and my computer too slow for me to put up pictures from all the incredible sights in Rome but my favorites were probably the Vatican Museum, the Trevi Fountain, and the Spanish steps (minus the ridiculous amount of tourists). Joyce and I were also able to meet up with my friend from high school who took us to Rome's best cannoli and coffee shop... yum =). I don't even like coffee but when you're in Italy, coffee really does taste better! So much so that I considered (but decided against) taking it up! =)
I really enjoyed Rome but I'm super glad we weren't there during peak tourist season because even when its not its pretty touristy...